A small effort to help our city battle with the Lockdown due to covid-19
We are all in one of the world’s most difficult times with the Novel Covid-19 invading our lives directly and indirectly. It all started slowly by looking at the number of infected people and fatalities in the nearby countries which slowly crept into our country because of the International passengers. Now what we see in India is a government-announced “Lockdown” to curb the spread of this virus. Along with this lockdown comes the great poverty to most people below the poverty line like the daily- wage laborers, maids and all kinds of helpers. Due to the lockdown many people are unable to step out and earn their meals to stay content. A picture from the local news channel had really broken our hearts so much that there was born a desire to do something for these people struggling to get their daily meals. Please find the picture below. This is just one of such cases that has been exposed to the media, we are not aware of the number of people who are struggling or have even died like this within their premises.
We started distributing grocery kits to some of the maids. Daily Laborer’s and their nearby families, who came to collect them at our house, Later we have Served Nearby Colonies, We have served 2000 Families so far and still continuing the Service, Please let me know if you see any people in Hungry, We will try to help Poor/Needy People.

Please find the Day wise service doing past 15 Days:
Day 1 – Annapurna Enclave Chandanagar Hyderabad. We served 350 such food-kits (Rice, Dal, Salt, Mirchi Power, Oil, Onion & Vegetables) by getting help from my family members and other people from my locality.
Day 2- Gulmohar Park Lingampally -. many people came to our house and requested to distribute more such kits because so many people were struggling without food in this area; so we went ahead and shared some more of such kits to them
The greatest challenge we faced at this point of time was that many more people came forward and requested for more supplies.
Day 6 – Kailash Nagar.
On posting some of the pictures related to these activities using WhatsApp platforms, many of my friends, neighbors and relatives have also approached me to lend me a hand of support in many ways: by giving funds, purchasing material and also by volunteering to serve the kits abiding by the social-distancing norms, I have involved lot of people to serve Poor/Needy Families during this lockdown.
Day 3 we visited Vemana Weaker Section Chandanagar Hyderabad and Distributed Food Kits which consists of Rice, Dal, Salt, Mirchi Power, Oil, Onion & Vegetables.
Day 4 – Hamid Nagar Chanda Nagar, We have Distributed 100 Food Kits which consists of Rice, Dal, Salt, Mirchi Power, Oil, Onion & Vegetables.
Day 5 – New PA Colony: We have Distributed 100 Food Kits which consists of Rice, Dal, Salt, Mirchi Power, Oil, Onion & Vegetables.
Day 6 – Kailash Nagar. We have Distributed 100, Food Kits which consists of Rice, Dal, Salt, Mirchi Power, Oil, Onion & Vegetables.
We later started preparing Cooked food packets Veg Biryani & Tomoto Bath and distributed to those living a nomadic life in the city, who do not have even the basic facilities to prepare their own meal. So on
Day 7 we gave Vegetables Biryani Packets to 250 members at Railway Stations & Roads Side People.
Day 8 – Gulmohar Park Served 500 Food Kits, Which consists of 5 Kg Rice & Vegetables
Day 9 – Gokul Plot & Huda Colony & Doctors Colony, Distributed Food Kits for 100 Families, Food Kits which consists of Rice, Dal, Salt, Mirchi Power, Oil, Onion & Vegetables.
Day 10 – Vegetables Biryani Served for 3 Days during the Lunch at Doctors Colony, People are from Bihar & Jarkhand Daily Laborers eating only one time a Day.
Day 11 – We have Distributed Food Kits today for Tribal people Peerla Thanda Mandal Narayankhed Dist, Food Kits Consists of 5 Kg Rice, 500 Ml Oil & 500 Gms Dal.
Day 12 – Served Tomato Bath for 3 Days during the Late Evening for 100 Poor People at Venkateshwar Colony & Doctors Colony Lingampally
Day 13 – Served 3 KG of Rice Packets at Jaghadir Gutta Kukatpally for 70 Poor People.
Day 14 – Adarsh Nagar Food Kits (Rice, Oil & Dal) Distribution for 50 Poor People.
Day 15 – Distributed Butter Milk Packets to Road side People

We have maintained Social Distance, Used Masks & Gloves and also used Sanitization during the same.
We have taken Local GHMC Corporator Support for Maintaining the Social Distance & Identifying the Poor/Needy People.
I would like to continue this service till the Lockdown is completed.
This effort will help poor people for sustain their lives during the Lockdown.
If everyone start doing this Service in their location it will save poor people lives.
We have distributed below coupons for each family one day before to avoid crown during the distribution.
During all these distribution activities, we have adhered to the rules and regulations of the state and the central government: we maintained Social Distance; used Masks and Gloves; used Sanitization and also packed all the distributed kits hygienically. We have taken Local GHMC Corporator Support for Maintaining the Social Distance & Identifying the poor and needy people.I would like to continue this service till the Lockdown is completed as this effort will help poor people for sustain their lives during the Lockdown. If everyone start doing this Service in their location it will save poor people’s lives.We have distributed coupons (shown below) for each family one day before to avoid crowding during the distribution.
Published in Local News Paper about the Distribution of the Food Kits, Please find the same in Local New